Saturday, May 4, 2013

I believe if you are not happy in your intimate relationship, then you are not happy.

"I believe if you’re not happy in your intimate relationship, you’re not happy. Because no matter what happens, no matter how much love we have from our children, or how much we accomplish in our lives and how much we achieve, I personally believe in our soul, everybody wants that experience of aliveness." Tony Robbins

This is one subject that I am very passionate about because I always believed from early childhood that everyone deserves to be happy in their relationships. 

I witnessed my parent's relationships not as the one to follow as my model of marriage. My dad married my mom because he was ready to start his family life but my mom married my dad because she wanted to get away from the abuse at home. For my mother it was an escape from one bad situation. She had always resentment towards my dad because she never felt that she was given much options to choose from. 

Growing up I witnessed how much she resented her choice, later in life she realized that my dad had been the best husband but that came a lot later in her life.  

The same way for all of us there are moments in life which some calls it middle age crisis or the moments that you question everything, your career, your relationship, your health and etc..questions that one may not be sure whether you are in the right place or not. 

Clarity is the last thing that crosses your mind about your decisions, you wonder and wanna make sure you are making the right decisions. You wish a psychic would just show up and tell you  one way or another so you could release the block of energy which is holding you from being present 100%. 

Relationships do die after a while or things get boring and its a natural process to anything in life we constantly.  I say that also because, that sense of aliveness, affects your kids as much as anything else as well. 

I really believe that any relationship can be brought to love and passion again, but the challenge of course, is that most people today have a prospective, an expectation, where the highest standard they have is not for themselves, but what they expect from their partner. 

I think, that’s the number one reversal that has to occur in any relationship for things to transform. That one’s, as long as we’re looking at what am I getting out of a relationship, then we’re going to be disappointed, we’re going to be frustrated, we’re going to have challenges.

I see so many relationships fall apart because people got so caught up in fulfilling their needs and wanting to  feel significant because it was missing in their current situation. 

In most cases I see roles of gender being reversed, a man using his feminine energy and a woman using masculine energy. A woman needs a man who can protect her and tell her that she will be taking care of no matter what. When a man takes the position of a passive person using feminine energy, the relationship is doomed to end. 

If you need some coaching advice on your current situation, send me a message and ask for a 30 min consultation. 

Mary Nawabi 
Certified Life Coach
Studied at Tony Robbins-Madanes
A well-balanced life is where you bring the focus on every aspect of your life, including:
Self Love, Family, Fitness, Finance, Spirituality, Growth
916-572-5162 or 925-408-7647
There is Always a Solution for Every Situation in Life!

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